Thursday, April 04, 2013


Buffer - for when you have SO MANY choice nuggets for the social media world that you need to spread them out, lest you overload the populace with your wisdom.

A wee bit condescending, non?

What are Your Go-To Utilities and Applications?

I'm always interested in learning about the apps, applications, websites, utilities, and freeware that other IT folks frequent.

According to eWeek and a SolarWinds marketing guy, this is THE list of freeware essentials.

What do you think?

I've used Wireshark (when it was Ethereal) and Skype and Evernote and Symphony before and can vouch for them as being useful. I'm intrigued by VirtualBox and LastPass.  I'm not surprised at the SolarWinds Alert Central pitch, but skeptical.

What are YOUR go-to utilities?

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

HP joins UC playing field with MS Lync teammate


Until now, Microsoft has wanted customers to drink their Kool-aid and buy Lync servers - basically invest in the UC stack from Microsoft rather than picking and choosing different vendors for different pieces of the stack.  This is the old "Suite vs. Best of Breed" approach.

But now they're teaming with HP, which, as article author Jeffrey Burt says, "is leveraging its decades-long partnership with Microsoft to make it easier for businesses to use the software company's Lync collaboration platform, not only by integrating it into HP's router but also offering it as a cloud service."

The question now is how many organizations use HP routers?  And is it enough to cause Microsoft to stop playing ball with Cisco (which pretty much owns the router and UC markets)?

We shall see.
